The purpose of the progamme is to systematize the process of beneficiary management for speedily delivery while maintain active waiting list.
The project seeks to develop and implement systems that will allow the identification, capturing and eventually the approval of those beneficiaries, whether in existing allocations or in dummy projects. The above should happen in a programmatic way that allows transparency, accessibility and should be user friendly.The system is designed to properly manage the beneficiary waiting list that would eliminate suspicion of fraud and corruption as it would encourage transparent and participatory processes.
The Department is embarking on the intensified awareness campaign on who qualifies for a housing subsidy; provide assistance and advice those that don’t qualify to explore other housing options provided by government.A framework will assist the department in ensuring that they smoothly move from providing just housing but create integrated and sustainable human settlements
The framework is envisaged to ensure that all departments work together towards achieving the national objective of sustainable human settlements
The programme covers utilization of HSS exploring all the process and this would involve:
- Beneficiaries identification
- Completion of application form
- Beneficiaries scanning
- Registration of projects on existing allocation
- Creation of dummy database per District Municipalities per town/area to create living waiting list
- Beneficiaries capturing
- Dealing with problems that may arise such as (i) Failed deeds search, (ii) Decline procedurally incorrect, (iii) PHB decline, (iv) Revoked approvals, (v) Verifications, (vi) Overriding, (vii) Approvals, (viii) Communicating the outcome of the status.
The following challenges are prevalent:
- Lack of qualifying beneficiaries
- Trading of sites that result to not rightful owners
- Required documentations to accompany the applications not attached
- Duplication as a result of beneficiaries applying more than once for subsidy
- Municipalities incapable to handle problems
- Deeds Office
- Home Affairs
- Beneficiaries
- Housing Subsidy System users
- National Department of Human Settlements
- Local Municipalities
- Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CDWs)
- District Service
- Ward Councillors
- Ward Committee
- Human power
- Software for operation and management
- Transport
- Access to Housing Subsidy System by Districts and Municipalities
- Computers
- Stationery
- Subsistence and Travelling allowance (S&T)
- Project Management Team
- Chief Director: Housing Programmes Management
- Director: Housing Subsidies and Development
- Human Settlements Programme Managers
- District Services Directors and Deputy Directors
- District Office Officials
- Project Management Team Constituted (develops terms of reference and job description of casuals)
- Casuals as Field Workers
- CDW as Supervisor Fieldworker
- Data Capturers per team
The Provincial Project Management Team will be established consisting primarily of the internal staff components lead by Director for Housing Subsidies and Development.
At the District Level, all the affected municipalities within the district would be invited to be part of the District-Based Management Structure.
The District offices will co-ordinate and host district meetings on a monthly basis. The office of the Director Housing Subsidies and Development will provide secretariat for the Provincial management team whilst District Offices will provide secretariat at the district management meeting.
Terms of Reference has to be developed in respect of the Management Structures
The Chief Directorate Housing Programmes Management is hereby identified as implementing agents.