Breaking New Ground

The Department aims to implement a number of projects under various progammes of the Comprehensive Human Settlements Plan, i.e. the Breaking New Ground (BNG) in the housing delivery programme.

Informal Settlement Upgrading

A number of Informal Settlements, brought about by increased urbanisation and inward migratory patterns of our people from various provinces, have been formalised in some areas and upgraded in others. The National Upgrading Support Programme (NUSP) also contributed to progress made in the pilot project of Grassland in Mangaung, a mixed density project.

Affordable Rental Housing

Government provides grant funding for the redevelopment of hostels to establish low cost rental opportunities for families and single persons. The grants are for municipalities and or Provincial Governments who own the units.

Key projects like Brandwag (Social Housing Rentals), Silver City, Dark City (Community Residential Unit) in Mangaung and G-Hostel in Matjhabeng were identified and feasibility studies have commenced.

Release and/or Acquisition of well located land suitable for Human Settlements delivery

A number of land parcels, both in public and private lands have either been released (public) or acquired (private) by the Department for municipalities and town planning processes are under way to formalize and create additional sites.


As a result of our Operation Hlasela methodology, various housing units that had been so dilapidated that they were no longer fit for human habitation, were demolished and built anew as part of the pre-1994 Rectification Programme. The key pilot projects have been in Batho in Mangaung, Tumahole in Ngwathe, and Harrismith in Maluti- a- Phofung and other municipalities throughout the programme.


FLISP was introduced by Government on 1 October 2005. It aims to assist first time home buyers who earn between R3 501 and R7 000 per month to obtain a home loan. The subsidy attaches to the beneficiary and not to the property. This subsidy will be used to decrease the mortgage bond and is only applicable to people who have never been assisted by the state. It will be disbursed as a once off subsidy.


Government provides grant funding for the redevelopment of these hostels to establish low cost rental opportunities for families and single persons. The grants are for municipalities and or Provincial Governments who own the units.