About Us


The Executing Authority for the Department of Human Settlements is MEC T.Z. Mokoena. The head of the Department of Human Settlements is Ms. M. Masimene.

The Constitutional Mandate of the Department of Human Settlements is outlined in the Constitution of South Africa; with the responsibility anchored in the Bill of Rights, Chapter 2 of the Constitution which states that everyone has, among others, The rights to adequate housing (Housing: 26, Chapter 2: Bill of Rights).

The wok of the department is further detailed in the Housing Code, the National Development Plan in Chapter 8, and Government’s Outcomes Approach document in Outcome 8.


This outcome focuses on three (3) outputs:

Output 1: Adequate Housing and improved living environments

Output 2: Functionally equitable residential property market

Output 3: Enhanced institutional capacity for effective coordination of spatial investment decisions


Integrated and sustainable human settlements


The Department of Human Settlements will develop cohesive and integrated human settlements in the Free State, through:

  • Sound administration and engagement of all spheres of government and social partners
  • Functional settlements that are spatially, socially and economically integrated
  • Provision of affordable housing
  • Increased access to basic services
  • Acceleration of land tenure rights


  • Professionalism, integrity and leadership
  • Value for money and accountability
  • Partnership
  • Compassion and empathy
  • Restoration of dignity and resilience
  • Environment-friendly

Main services

  • Informal settlement upgrading
  • Land acquisition and installation of infrastructure i.e. services
  • Improved distribution of title deeds to ensure security of tenure
  • Speeding up service of housing through catalytic projects, also referred to as mega projects
  • Faster provision of housing for Military Veterans
  • Establishment of credible housing database and management of beneficiary i.e. viable housing needs register
  • Focused attention on Finance Linked Individual Subsidy for the gap market and other critical programmes
  • Completing incomplete projects while continuing with rebuilding 2- room and dilapidated houses as part of provincial priorities
  • Revitalization of mining towns towards improvement of the lives of distressed mining communities